Sports bars look to be done & dusted for the foreseeable future, so it looks like the home is where the game is.
Even if games do resume, there have been numerous discussions around how these will be played for safety of players & fans alike. Spaced seating, higher prices, limited food & no alcohol all loom in the future. We all know how disgusting stadium washrooms are & they are a hotbed if viruses to begin with.
Can you really enjoy the NFL on Zoom with your mates? You’re going to have to. Sports bars will be staggered as the season starts, & fans will be hard pressed to want to go out to watch Sunday games. It was a hard enough sell for many bars to show NFL games before, that slope just got steeper.
Here’s the ideal situation for NFL viewing in the age of Corona. A bigass bed with seats, buckets, & room galore. This is the new NFL.